1965Conscripted into the Australian Army
1967Served in Vietnam with 17th Construction Squadron RAE
1968Graduated from Officer Cadet School, Portsea as a 2nd Lieutenant
1971-73Served with the ANZUK Force in Singapore
1974Platoon Commander with 176th Air Dispatch Company
1976Squadron Commander with 30th Terminal Squadron
1977-78Exchange Instructor with the United States Army Airborne Logistics School
1979-80Officer Commanding, Army Air Movement Training and Development Unit
1981Graduated from Army Command and Staff College
1982-84Senior Staff Officer for Personnel and Logistics at HQ 1st Brigade
1985Staff Officer at Army HQ, Canberra
1985-86Senior Staff Officer for Personnel and Logistics at HQ 1st Brigade
1886Retired from army with rank of Major
1984-1991Race Director of Westfield Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon
1991Established ‘Adventure Kokoda’ – Trekked Kokoda
1992Led a 50th Anniversary Trek across the Kokoda Trail
1992-2014Led 75 expeditions across the Kokoda Trail with more than 4500 trekkers
1995Elected to the NSW Parliament
2002Established the Kokoda Track Foundation
2009Established Network Kokoda Not-For-Profit Foundation
2011Appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Veterans Affairs
2011Established NSW Parliamentary Friends of Papua New Guinea Committee
2012Worked in partnership with Air Niugini to host 70th Anniversary Commemorative events
2015Retired from NSW Parliament
2015Inducted as an Officer of Logohu in the PNG New Years Honours and Awards.
2018Inducted as a Member of the Order of Australia
2023Completed his 101st crossing of the Kokoda Trail

Following is a summary of positive publicity Charlie has generated for Papua New Guinea and the Kokoda Trail:

Newspaper/Magazine Articles  promoting Kokoda Treks

GWP Magazine ‘The Enshrinement of Kokoda’
The Bulletin with Newsweek
‘Kokoda: A walk on the wild side’
The Canberra Times – November 1992 ‘A Hard Slog to Kokoda’
Qantas Magazine – 1993
‘Kokoda Travels’
Australian Defence Information Bulletin – 1994 ‘Adventure on the Kokoda Track’
The Northern Herald – August 1995 ‘On the beaten track’
The Sydney Morning Herald – November 1995 ‘Is this the world’s meanest tour guide?’
The Australian – 1996 ‘Stars rise and fall on Kokoda’
The Sunday Magazine – 1996 ‘Lessons in Life’  
Women’s Day Magazine – 1996 ‘Kokoda Startrek’
Impressions Magazine – 1996 ‘Colette’s life-changing challenge’
Australian Geo Magazine – May/June 1997
‘Trekking to hell and back’
The Australian Women’s Weekly – 1997 ‘My Kokoda Trail Trek’
Runners World – January 2000
‘No Soldier of Fortune’  
Sydney Swans Football Magazine – 2002 ‘Sydney Swans conquer Kokoda’
South Pacific Magazine – 2002 ‘Commemorating Kokoda’
Great Walks Magazine – 2008 ‘Age before beauty’

Following is a list of the national television stories Charlie has generated through his treks:

Channel 9
‘Angry Anderson Kokoda Challenge’
Channel 9
‘Getaway on Kokoda’
Channel 7
‘Sydney Swans on Kokoda’
Channel 7
‘Dareing Kokoda’
Channel 10
‘Father Chris Riley’s Kids on Track’
ABC Compass – Channel 2 ‘Cronulla to Kokoda’

Following is a list of submissions, papers and blogs Charlie has produced and submitted in support of initiatives to ensure the wartime integrity of the Kokoda Trail is protected and Australia’s relationship with PNG is improved:

Proposal for the Kokoda Trail to be developed as a National Memorial Park
Proposal for Olympic Torch to be carried across the Kokoda Trail for Sydney 2000
SOCOGs spurious rejection of Kokoda Torch Relay Proposal
SOCOG must compensate PNG for stealing ‘Kokoda’ name
Letter to Prime Minister John Howard supporting a medal for PNG Wartime Carriers

Produced Interim Report for the development of a Strategic Plan for the Kokoda Trail
Produced the Inaugural Report for the Kokoda Track Foundation
Presented A Strategic Plan for the Kokoda Trail to Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare
Submission to Australian Senate supporting access for seasonal labour from PNG
Proposal for a Civilian Service Medal for the New Guinea Wartime Carriers
Speech in NSW Parliament calling for official recognition of ‘Kokoda Day’
Kokoda – a neglected jungle shrine   
The Australian Newspaper:
‘PNG so near,
Submission to the Kokoda Track Authority
Kokoda gazetted as a place of historic significance   
The Kokoda Track Authority

Issued a Discussion Paper on the Kokoda Trekking Industry

PNG: A Difficult Place to Help   
Senate Submission for PNG Seasonal Workers   
Need for Empathy with the Melanesian Way   
Kokoda’s ‘Forgotten People’
Kokoda Villagers need charity too   
Military Heritage at risk on Kokoda   
Let’s not forget the Villagers along the Kokoda Trail   
Fuzzy-Wuzzy Angels deserve a medal
Education: A trekkers legacy   
Kokoda: More than a jungle track   
Kokoda Day: 3 November 1942   
Pacific (PNG) Guest Worker Scheme   
PNG – A difficult place to help   
Proposal for ‘Kokoda Day’ to be Proclaimed
Kokoda gazetted as a place of historic significance   
Military Heritage off track on Kokoda   
Isurava: The Last Parade   
The Kokoda Trekker   
The Kokoda Trail Villager   
Kokoda: World Heritage or Military Heritage?   
KTA Response to ‘Kokoda:World Heritage or Military Heritage   
Strategic Plan for Kokoda   
Stop the bloody rot on Kokoda   
The Punch Online: Consultants Killing Kokoda   
Kokoda CEO Quits – Cites Intimidation   
Why Kokoda Day   
Kokoda Day proclaimed in PNG   
Trekker downturn weighs heavily on Kokoda porters 
One-trek wunder on wrong side of track   
PNG Payback   
Giving back to the track
Wartime Tourism: Presentation to UPNG   
Removal of war relics from the Kokoda Trail   
Kokoda: Battlefields have never been ‘lost’   
The Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge   
McArches on Kokoda   
Presentation to the Australian War Memorial Conference: Kokoda – beyond the legend
Kokoda 70: Launch by Prime Minister Peter O’Neil at Parliament House
Our Kokoda Footprint     
A Paper on the Kokoda Trekking Industry   
The Spirit of Kokoda 70 years on 
War Cemeteries in Papua New Guinea   
The Kokoda Trail: It’s about respect for the PNG Government and the men who fought across it 
Bomana War Cemetery – the only place to be on Anzac Day in PNG   
Military Tradition behind the awarding of the Battle Honour – Kokoda Trail 
Speech regarding NSW Schools commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Kokoda campaign 
Perpetuating the Spirit of Kokoda 
Kokoda: Time for a Rethink   
Kokoda Trail: Heritage Protection   
Kokoda Comes to Sydney   
Perpetuating the Spirit of Kokoda   
The Battle for Australia   
Boomerang Aid Failure on Kokoda   
PNG: Wouldn’t it be great if . . .   
Government desecration of Kokoda battlesite condemned 
Kokoda: A new frontier for bucket-listers and chanting bogans 
VALE: Sergeant Ben Moide CBE   
Speech to the PNGAA Forum at the NSW Parliament by The Hon Charlie Lynn MLC on 18 September 2014: The Great Divide: White Australia – Black Melanesia   
Kokoda Day: Deeds not Words   
Why Kokoda?   
Potential of the Kokoda Trekking Industry   
Kokoda Trail: Official Naming Rights   
Kokoda: A Consultant Free Zone!   
Kokoda: The Gateway for a Wartime Tourism Industry in PNG   
Kokoda Guides: What teenage girls really think   
Attack and Rape by Canniballs on the Kokoda Trail – Really!   
Network Kokoda – Honouring their Legacy   
Kokoda Day – A Time for Recognition   
Kokoda Day Speech   
Track or Trail – Who owns the Naming Rights 

Following is a list of philanthropic programs Charlie has initiated and funded to support the people of PNG:

Initiated a Joint PNG Drought Appeal with the RSL that raised K1 million in 1996Travelled to PNG to assist in distributing food and seed to affected areas in army Blackhawk helicopters.
Established and funded Network Kokoda

Initiated Integrated Agricultural Project at Sogeri National High School
Support educational programs along the Kokoda Trail  
Seed Nursery at the Sogeri National High School
Abuari Community Learning Centre
Water projects in the Sogeri community
Established Kokoda Bursary Program at Port Moresby Grammar School 
Sponsoring a Port Moresby Grammar School Student through a Commerce Degree

Following is a selection of testimonials acknowledging Charlie’s work in PNG and along the Kokoda Trail:

“Without Charlie Lynn’s dedication to the people of the Kokoda Trail, and Papua New Guinea in general, and his assistance in early negotiations in the establishment of the Authority, the establishment of the Kokoda Track Authority and its future plans for assisting the sustainability of the Kokoda Track Tourism Strategy and its heritage, there would be no special purposes authority – it would still be sitting in limbo.”   Sir Peter Barter, PNG Minister for Intergovernment Relations.  
The Hon Arthur Somare MP, PNG Minister for National Planning:   ‘Dear Mr Lynn, I write to personally thank you for arranging to meet the members of the PNG Parliamentary Select Committee on the Pacific Economic Community in Sydney last week. We are very grateful for you hosting lunch for us at your beautiful parliament setting. Your tireless work over the years in promoting Papua New Guinea in Australia and the world is something we are very grateful for and will do everything possible to compliment your efforts in the future. I am pleased that the PNG Tourism Authority has been working closely with you on issues of interest concerning the Kokoda Trail and the promotion of tourism as a vibrant industry in PNG. I will shortly be bringing to the attention of the Ministry for Works the urgency to upgrade the road leading to Owers Corner in Sogeri area. It is my hope that our meeting in Sydney has set the foundation for further enhancement of relations at a personal level between our two countries. I very much look forward to meeting you and your co-workers again when you next visit Port Moresby. Yours sincerely, Arthur T. Somare MP  
 Major-General Peter Phillips, National President of the RSL

‘Dear Charlie, I am pleased to advise that the National Executive of the RSL has endorsed the proposal to establish a master plan for development of a Kokoda Track Memorial Park. Thank you for taking the time to address our National Executive and for the personal effort you have put into promoting this concept. As we approach the 60th anniversary of the epic battles of the Kokoda Track, it is appropriate that we honour those who lost their lives there or served their country so valiantly. Yours sincerely. Major-General Peter Phillips AO MC”  
Senator Bob Carr Foreign Minister and former Premier of NSW

Dear Charlie, I’ve always been impressed by your love of the Track and your determination to ensure its place in the Australian imagination is never lost. You know better than most that the Kokoda Track isn’t just a place where our salvation was won – though we should remember and document and treasure every inch of it. Kokoda’s now part of the Australian Dreaming, a sacred site. More than that the Men of Kokoda are among the greatest of heroes in a land that rightly canonizes few heroes. And as time slowly steals the survivors from our midst, its hard to resist thinking that Australians in the not too distant future will look back with almost disbelief at the giants who lived in those days. The Hon Bob Carr MP Premier of New South Wales  
Don Daniels MBE: Founder and Chairman of Port Moresby Grammar School Good morning Mr Lynn Years ago, we first met in the dining room of the Parliament of New South Wales when you invited Dame Carol Kidu and myself to a dinner.  The occasion then was about assisting Papua New Guinea students, especially those from villages along the Kokoda track. Little did I know then, how much Port Moresby Grammar School is now in your debt for the support you have given the school. Among other things, this support consists of: four Adventure Kokoda bursariesyour kindness in sponsoring Margaret Aitsi and Alfreda Nakue on the trip of a lifetime to Australiaover 2500 books received for the library and classroomsa plethora of stationery suppliesmedical equipment and suppliesa wide variety of sports gearK3500 in cash for special needs aspects in the schoolExposure of our students to wonderful ordinary Australians who come to PNG….and reciprocally for Aussies to see and bond with Papua New Guineans within the school environment. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the School, please accept our sincere and grateful thanks for that you have done and we hope this special bond between POM Grammar and Kokoda will continue and strengthen.  Sincerely  DONALD DANIELS  MBE
Tessie Soi, PNG Friends Foundation Inc

‘Dear Charlie, ‘Thanks a million for the 2 computers dropped off at the office. I was in Babaka village, 3 hours drive from Pom. ‘ Staff advised me of your kind donation. ‘ My Admin Manager, Mr pana Sitapai will email you through when the office downstairs is completed. ‘ Its great to hear that i can email you when i am in dire straits and i will also give you updates and how our programs are going. ‘ I can use someone else as a sounding board. which i hope you don’t mind. ‘ But thanks a million for helping me do my programs for our people. Tessie’  
Mike Luff, Deputy Principal, Port Moresby Grammar School

‘Hello Charlie, ‘Hope all is well down your way. Collected a good number of books the other evening with Chad & Ron Beattie’s Group! Our number of books and DVDs totals 1035. All brought forward in the past 12 months approx. A fabulous effort! This does not include pencils, pens and other drawing materials. ‘On the turn around side Port Moresby Grammar school has done the following: 6 cartons of reading books were delivered to Taurama Barracks Community School along with a heap of stationary;7 cartons of books were presented to Bavaroko Community School (our next door neighbour);1 carton was given to a small group called “We Care” in the Hohola settlement area. Mums teaching street kids to read; and 2 cartons were sent to Gaire community school on request. ‘ All of these are a result of culling as new books come into our library. Where there is a doubling up we give these away in the cartons. Some of your books we use as incentives and prizes to kids at Pom Grammar for good work.  The culture of reading has been substantially enhanced since your program has started. Popular novels are being read throughout the school. The library staff are really doing a fine job. ‘ Friends Foundation gave us a wooden coin box and in the first fortnight we collected K250- for Tessie’s group. ‘ Our next quest is to build up the culling cartons again so that Sogeri Community school and Ioiari High school are provided with books. ‘ Nixon and the West Papuans are still at Gerehu. The six we have at Pom Grammar are still in school. Many of the other school kids have been “pushed out” or have simply given up – sorry to say. However, we will keep going with our little group. The West Papuan girls especially enjoy the hockey competition on a Sunday afternoon. ‘ Things are going very well at present and a big lot of thanks to you. ‘ We would like to see you at the school when you are next up this way – is that possible? ‘Regards, ‘Mike’  
James Enage: Chairman, Kokoda Track Authority

Dear Charlie, I wish to thank you, your lovely wife and the Adventure Kokoda Management for financially supporting the Kokoda Track Sports Development Program within this year, 2009. I had acknowledged your contribution to this very special project in various appropriate forums and have informed the boys and people along the Kokoda Track about your support. In relation to the outcome of the Program, preparations are now underway by four (4) Local Rugby League Clubs in Queensland who are keen to engage few boys from the Kokoda Track to play in the local Queensland Rugby League Competition next year, 2010. Hopefully, the various Rugby Club offers (Work, Match payments, Accommodation) for the boys should be made available towards the end of January and I will make the announcements in the middle or towards the end of February, 2010. Also the Gold Coast Titans Junior Development Team Management are keen to recruit school boys from the Kokoda Track area next year to be part of the Gold Coast Titans Junior Development Team under Football Scholarships. We will announce this program shortly. Since you have pioneered in supporting this program, I trust you will continue to support this program. I look forward to continue working with you in this very special Project in the New Year. James Enage Chairman  

Two recent articles summarise Charlie’s feelings towards Kokoda and PNG as a result of his association with the country, its people and our wartime heritage:

Wouldn’t it be great if . . .
Straight shooter soldiers on . . .