Author: adventure kokoda

Charlie Lynn – Kokoda

Charlie Lynn, a former army major, first trekked across the Kokoda Trail in 1991. Prior to this only a small number of hardy adventurers trekked across the trail each year.

At this time the combined income of all the villagers along the trail was estimated to be approximately K60,000 per year.

In 1992 Charlie organised and led a group of 20 trekkers across the trail to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Kokoda campaign. His trek featured as a cover story in the Bulletin magazine.

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Kokoda 2024 – Why Adventure Kokoda?

The Kokoda Trail is a place of pilgrimage for Adventure Kokoda. Our trek leaders have a combined total of 160 years professional military service in Papua New Guinea Defence Force, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. They have successfully led more than 600 expeditions across the Kokoda Trail over the past 32 years and trained our current generation of leaders in pilgrimage and expedition leadership.

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Kokoda: A Life Changing Experience – TripAdvisor 2022

‘There are no words that can adequately impart the experience of walking the 150km Kokoda track through the incredible beauty of the PNG rainforest, the magic of entering remote villages and meeting truly beautiful people, the dedication of the Adventure Kokoda (AK) team to ensure our well-being and safety, our team camaraderie; but much more than that, following in the footsteps of our soldiers and fuzzy wuzzy angels from 80 years ago and learning of their sacrifice and endurance.’
Mary W. Adelaide

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