Our Kokoda Reunion Dinners offer a chance for our trek groups to get together and re-kindle the mateships established on the trail. They also offer an opportunity for us to salute our dwindling number of Kokoda veterans and to raise some funds to assist our philanthropic endeavours in Papua New Guinea.
Our past dinners at Parliament House in Port Moresby, Sydney and the Cantebury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club have raised funds which have supported our market gardens at the Sogeri National High School, Iaowari High School and seven villages on the Kokoda plateau. We have built a Community Centre at Abuari village and will be extending our agricultural projects to Kokoda in 2014. We have also supported all villages along the Kokoda Trail with educational and health supplies.
We are proud of the fact that our trekkers are aware of the fact that it is not the size of the footprint they make during their trek that is important – that it is the size of the footprint they leave behind.

NSW Premier and Kokoda trekker, Barry O’Farrell, at the Sydney Kokoda reunion dinner
350 Kokoda trekkers our Kokoda Reunion Dinner in Sydney
Kokoda veteran, ‘Kanga’ Moore, addressing our Melbourne ‘Salute to the 39th Battalion’ dinner at Parliament House in Melbourne
Kokoda trekkers and veterans from the 39th Battalion at Parliament House in Melbourne (Host Gary Blackwood MP on the right)
Auctions at the Melbourne dinner for Network Kokoda
Salute to the 39th trekkers in the Queens Hall, Parliament House, Melbourne