Author: Charlie

Proposed resolution to the Illegal blockade on the Kokoda Trail

Responsibility for the current situation rests squarely with Canberra funded Kokoda Initiative officials who have used the term ‘Kokoda’ to give relevance to an environmental agenda which has resulted in a decline of 46% in Kokoda toirism numbers since they took control of the Kokoda Trail under a Joint Understanding with PNG in 2009 and reaffirmed in 2015.

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Index: Major Charlie Lynn’s Adventure Kokoda Blogs

These papers, submissions and articles in the following blogs encapsulate my 32-year involvement with the Kokoda Trail in particular, and PNG in general. During this time, I was able to lead 101 expeditions across the Trail and share the experience with more than 2,000 wonderful Australians from all walks of life.

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From our Adventure Kokoda Files Circa 2009

The following blogs were written 15 years ago soon after Australian officials assumed management control of the Kokoda Trail on eye-watering 6-figure salaries loaded with generous allowances and tax deductions. Back then Kokoda tour operators held high expectations …

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