Following are brief comments on each of the proposed agenda items:

1. Employment Conditions of Porters

2. Kovello Blockage

3. Kokoda Tour Operators Association

4, Local Tour Operators Association

5. Insurance

6. Compliance

7. Rubbish on the Track

8. KTA Website/Permit Booking

9. PNG High Comm-Visa Requirements – Rep from PNG High Comm Office

10. Tourism Promotion Authority – Eric Mossman

11. Conservation Environment Authority (CEPA), Kumaras Kay Kalim

12. KTA to provide overview of state of play of the Track, including this year’s tourism numbers

13. Australian High Committion to provide a short overview of the KIP (Kokoda Initiative Program)

14. Forum consider writing to the Hom. Richard Marere regarding the poor road conditions between Sireme and Buna Villages.