
Adventure Kokoda Blog

Protecting our heritage

Kokoda is much more than a trek.  It is almost a spiritual journey for those who wish to connect to the historical significance of the Kokoda campaign. It is also an empathetic bridge for Australians and Papua New Guineans to better understand each other.

Our Charity

Our charitable work includes the provision of health support, school supplies, scholarships, and emergency medical assistance to villagers across the Kokoda Trail.

Our Media

National features stories of our treks on all major television networks, newspapers, and magazines.

Our Reviews

Trekker feedback, Trip Advisor reviews, and personal reflections.

Our Treks

Everything you need to know about our treks, our trekkers, training tips, gear selection, and some handy hints.

Our Viewpoint

Charlie has been the leading advocate for the protection of our Kokoda heritage, and the welfare of villagers across the Trail, for 30 years.


Interesting articles relating to our close association with PNG, and our shared wartime heritage.

Latest News

Funding Proposal for a Kokoda Trail Military Heritage Master Plan

Funding Proposal for a Kokoda Trail Military Heritage Master Plan

Michael Pender, an accredited Military Heritage Architect from HPA Projects was commissioned by Network Kokoda to develop a Master Plan for the Kokoda Trail for the 70th anniversary of the Kokoda campaign in 2012.

The plan has been ignored by the DFAT Kokoda Initiative in PNG as they regarded the development of a World Heritage Listing for the Owen Stanley Ranges as a priority.

Since then, a 2015 report from an Australian expert on World Heritage listings, Dr Peter Hitchcock AM and Dr Jennifer Gabriel concluded that the Kokoda Trail does not meet the criteria for a World Heritage listing.

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Conflict in command during the Kokoda campaign of 1942: did General Blamey deserve the blame?

Conflict in command during the Kokoda campaign of 1942: did General Blamey deserve the blame?

General Sir Thomas Blamey was commander-in-chief of the Australian Military Forces during World War II. Tough and decisive, he did not resile from sacking ineffective senior commanders when the situation demanded. He has been widely criticised by more recent historians for his role in the sackings of Lieutenant-General S. F. Rowell, Major-General A. S. Allen and Brigadier A. W. Potts during the Kokoda Campaign of 1942. Lieutenant Colonel Rowan Tracey, a Trek Leader with Adventure Kokoda examines each sacking and concludes that Blamey’s actions in each case were justified in a paper published by the Royal United Services Institute, Volume 61, 2010.

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Albo ‘Off-Track’ Trek on Kokoda

Albo ‘Off-Track’ Trek on Kokoda

The DFAT-PNG strategy to shield Prime Ministers’ Albanese and Marape from their failures to manage Kokoda tourism over the past 15 years was evident in their choice of a reinvented ‘military history advisor’ to accompany them and the route they chose.

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