Author: Charlie

CHAPTER 16: The Rod Hillman Era of Mismanagement 2009-2012

After the Annette Dean management debacle we held high hopes for her successor, Rod Hillman, who seemed to have a bit more charisma for the job.

We learned later that this was his first engagement in PNG and he was the product of a government environment, conservation, recreational parks background and had no previous experience in commercial business management, military heritage, pilgrimage or the Melanesian Way.

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CHAPTER 19: Kokoda Time for a Rethink

By 2013 it was clear that that management of Kokoda tourism had clearly failed – there was no management database, no campsite booking system in place, no campsite development plan, no trail maintenance plan, no military heritage plan, no community development plan.

We therefore submitted the following paper on 2 February 2013 but failed to get a response from the relevant Ministers, the Australian High Commission, the DFAT Kokoda Initiative, or the PNG Kokoda Track Authority.

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