• Why didn’t he just set up a Zoom meeting?
  • Who paid for the PNG consultant to facilitate the forum?
  • Who paid for the 14 PNG officials to fly to and from Port Moresby to attend the forum in an international hotel?
  • What was the cost of conducting the forum in Brisbane?
  • Why has the he failed to publish any financial reports since he was appointed in 2018?
  • Why did he and/or the DFAT Strategic Advisor donate K350,000 from KTA funds to an Australian NGO which is not associated with Kokoda tourism in 2019?
  • The author of the ‘Issues Brief KTMA Draft Legislation’ signed by Mr. Julius Wargirai, is ‘Mark Nizette’.
  • The author of the ‘KTMA Bill “Zero Draft” Discussion Paper February 2022’ is ‘Mark Nizette’.
  • The author of the ‘Kokoda Track Management Authority Bill 2021’ is ‘Mark Nizette’.
  • The author of the ‘KTMA Discussion Paper, March 2021’, is ‘Mark Nizette’.

Mark Nizette’s KTMA Bill has all the hallmarks of a bureaucratic trojan horse to take control of Kokoda tourism for the benefit of foreign advisors and consultants.