Matthew Iovane, of Shoreditch, East London, met restaurant hostess Michelle Clemens last year while he was visiting her native Los Angeles.
The adventure holiday regulars agreed to meet in Sydney, Australia, and then fly to Papua New Guinea together.
They planned to tackle the arduous Kokoda Trail, a 60-mile hike through one of the last great unexplored wildernesses on Earth.[i]
On Wednesday, 6 January, Mr Iovane called Sogeri Lodge from the Port Moresby airport to book transport and accommodation for one night for him and Ms Clemens. They had sourced the contact details for Sogeri Lodge from their Lonely Planet book on Papua New Guinea.
The Lonely Planet guide contains the following warning in regard to trekking across the Kokoda Trail:
‘The Kokoda Track is not PNG’s most difficult trek but it’s no walk in the park. You must be pretty fit and, if in doubt, aid to do it in nine days, not six. Be sure to use local guides and carriers and never walk with less than four people. If there is an accident two can get help and one can stay with the injured. Most trekking companies carry a satellite phone or a two-way radio. If you don’t have one and there’s a problem, no-one will hear the screams. Most villages have radios but it could be a long walk to the nearest one. Conflicts among traditional landowners have led to the track’s closure in the past, but in recent years the situation has been fairly calm. Still, it’s worth keeping an ear open.
‘When to Trek
‘It could rain at anytime of the year, but between November and February it will rain, and most companies don’t operate because it is too dangerous and uncomfortable.
‘Guides and Carriers
‘If you’re trekking independently, don’t do it without a good guide.’
The Kokoda Track Authority website states:
‘Choosing the right group to travel with is an important decision, as you will be relying on them to guide you through the preparation, the experience and safety procedures.’
In addition to these references a Google search of the ‘Kokoda Trail’ will reveal countless pages of references relating to trekking Kokoda.
On arrival the couple asked the driver, Mr Alfie Jack, who was accompanied by Mr Dick Elulu from Vesilogo, to take them to the KTA office to obtain a trekking permit as advised in the Lonely Planet book.
When they advised Mr Michael O’Kave, Operations and Safety Manager at the KTA, that they intended to trek alone without a guide the permit was refused. After some discussion the trekkers advised they would engage Mr Dick Elule as their guide. Mr Elule is an experienced Adventure Kokoda trek guide. Mr O’Kave then issued them with two trek permits on that basis.
According to Mr Alfie Jack, the driver who collected them at the airport, the couple were very amorous towards each other to the extent that he felt uncomfortable.
When he checked them into Sogeri Lodge they bargained strongly for a reduced room rate.
Mr Jack then learned that they had no clothing or gear suitable for trekking. He advised them of the basics they would need but they replied that they had trekked in other places around the world and were satisfied with what they had.
Mr Jack also advised them to be more discreet in their amorous behaviour as it would not be appreciated by villagers along the trail as they are strict Seventh Day Adventists.
The next morning the owner of Sogeri Lodge, Mr Warren Bartlett, met with the couple. Mr Bartlett is a former Kiap, has lived in PNG for the past 50 years and was the inaugural CEO of the Kokoda Track Authority. He advised that it was the wet season along the trail and the experienced trekking companies do not trek at this time of the year. Mr Bartlett:
‘I asked them what trekking provisions they had and they advised it was snacks and they would stay in guest houses supplying beds, washing facilities and meals. I advised them that this was not available and they could stay in campsite or village bush huts at K20.00 per person per night and to pay the campsite owner each night as well as villagers who may supply them with local vegetables and fruits. They did not have any sleeping bags, tents or tarpaulins so we hired them two sleeping bags and ground sheets to be returned at trek end. They were not prepared to pay for a guide or porter at between K600 and K800 each including repatriation to Port Moresby as they had insufficient funds and they believed this was an unnecessary expense. They would pay for their PNP-POM ticket on PNG Air in Popondetta.
‘They told me they would board a spare seat on any charter flight from Kokoda to Port Moresby on Tuesday 12 January. I told them there were normally charter flights POM-KKD-POM during the trekking season from March – November and no regular flights. They would need to be at Kokoda by Monday evening 11 January, overnight, catch an early morn PMV to Popondetta and board a PNG Air flight PNP-POM at 2.30pm on Tuesday 12 January so they could overnight at Sogeri Lodge Tues 12 and fly out of PNG on their confirmed flight Wednesday afternoon 13 January. They were supposedly at Templeton 2 Crossing at 8.00am on Monday 11 January, so there was no chance they would have made Kokoda that night, even if the attack had not taken place.
When Mr Bartlett asked them if they had a map of the Trail they produced a copy of a brochure they had torn out of a magazine. He then provided them with a 1:50 000 topographical map which they agreed to pay for when they returned to the lodge at the end of the trek. He also hired sleeping bags for them on the same basis.
The couple made no further effort to engage Mr Dick Elulu as their guide despite the assurance they gave to Mr O’Kave at the KTA.
Before departing the Sogeri Lodge they advised Mr Jack that ‘if they had not called in by Day 4 he was to sound the alarm’. Mr Jack was perplexed by this request because they did not have a satellite phone or a VHF radio.
Mr George Kanana was assigned to drive them to the beginning of the trail at Owers Corner. When he saw they had no gear he drove them to a shop at Sogeri and suggested they buy basic items such as a torch, machete, matches, food, etc. They refused and he drove them to Owers Corner where they began their six day trek at 10.30 am WITHOUT:
- a PNG guide;
- trekking boots (they wore sneakers);
- a satellite phone or VHF radio;
- a tent;
- a torch;
- a knife;
- matches or a lighter;
- adequate rations;
- a medical kit; or
- any knowledge of the dangers of the terrain.
If it had not been for their chance meeting with Mr Bartlett they would also have trekked without a proper map or sleeping bags.
“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Benjamin Franklin
A serious misadventure was in the making when the hapless duo stepped onto the trail at Owers Corner and disappeared into the jungle with the aim of flying out of Popondetta six days later to allow them to connect to their scheduled return flight to Australia on the 13 January.
They were never going to make it. In view of the fact that they departed Owers Corner on Thursday, 7 January and were evacuated from Alola village on 12 January, their estimated trek itinerary would have been[ii]:
- 7 January: Departed Owers Corner at 10.30 AM – trek to Va Ule Creek via Imita Ridge.
- 8 January: Va Ule Creek to Menari village via Ioribaiwa Ridge, Ofi Creek, the Maguli Range, the Nauro swamp and the Ladavi Saddle
- 9 January: Menari village to Crossing 1 (also known as Templeton’s Crossing No 1) via Vabulagi River, Brigade Hill, Efogi village, Launumu village, Efogi Creek, Kagi village, the Kagi Gap, 1900 Crossing, Mt Bellamy and the Kokoda Gap
- 10 January: Crossing 1 to Alola via Templeton’s Crossing (known as Templeton’s Crossing No 2), Vabula Ridge, Eora Creek, and Lala creek.
- 11 January: Alola to Kokoda via Isurava, Deniki, Hoi and Kovello – PMV to Popondetta – scheduled flight to Port Moresby – Sogeri Lodge
- 12 January: Kokoda – PMV to Popondetta – flight to Port Moresby
- 13 January: Port Moresby – Australia
According to Assistant Commissioner Sylvester Kalaut, Mr Iovane and Ms Clemens were attacked around 8 AM on Monday, 11 January.
This would indicate that they were 24 hours behind schedule if they were to make the flight out of Popondetta on 12 January in order to connect with their pre-booked international flight to Australia on 13 January.
After the attack the couple trekked from the vicinity of Templeton’s Crossing to Alola village and were evacuated by helicopter to the Pacific International Hospital in Port Moresby on 12 January.
Within 24 hours the English Sun newspaper published a headline article:
‘Kidnapped by cannibals: Brit and girlfriend stripped, beaten and tortured by Papua New Guinea tribe[iii]’
The article quoted Mr Iovane:
‘The first five days were among the most amazing of our lives. We lived like Tarzan and Jane on nuts packed into our rucksacks and bananas, papaya, wild spinach and exotic ‘tree tomatoes’ found only in this jungle. . .
This does not accord with the facts. If the trekkers departed Owers Corner on 7 January, as advised by Warren Bartlett, and were attacked at approximately 8.00 AM on 11 January as reported by Assistant Police Commissioner Sylvester Kalaut in an interview with the ABC[iv] – then it is clear they had only been trekking for four days – not five as stated by Mr Iovane.
Experienced trekkers will attest to the fact that there would have been no time to forage for ‘bananas, papaya, wild spinach and exotic ‘tree tomatoes’ during a three day itinerary between Owers Corner and Templeton’s Crossing. The reality is that fruit and vegetables are only available in villages and do not grow wild in the jungle along the trail. There would have been no fresh fruit or vegetables in Menari, Efogi, Launumu or Kagi villages on Saturday, 9 January because local villages along trail strictly observe the Sabbath.
Mr Iovane went on to describe the circumstances of the attack:
‘Then one turned on me, swinging his machete and began tearing at my clothes until I was stripped virtually naked.
‘I could hear Michelle was putting up a fight, but when they brought us back together I could tell she was hurt and heard her crying in pain. She said to me, ‘We have to get away, I have to get to hospital.
‘They took our belongings. I was naked in the most remote jungle on Earth with no shoes and Michelle was bleeding buckets beside me in her underwear.’
There was no mention of a sexual assault or rape in the English Sun newspaper article. Nor was there any mention of the loss of any money.
On the same day The PNG National Newspaper quoted NCD-Central Assistant Police Commissioner Sylvester Kalaut:
‘Two expatriate tourists, a male and female, both 31, were tracking the Kokoda Track and heading towards Templeton Two (a campsite) when they were ambushed by armed men.
‘The male trekker was tied to a tree and the female trekker was repeatedly raped before three of her fingers were chopped.
‘She and her London-based male companion were tortured and robbed of items such as mobile phones, shoes, backpacks and clothing and cash worth K15,000 before being released.’‘She and her London-based male companion were tortured and robbed of items such as mobile phones, shoes, backpacks and clothing and cash worth K15,000 before being released.’
The trekkers were then released by, or escaped from their captors and, according to their own account, trekked semi-naked without shoes to Alola village – a trekking distance of 15.5 kilometres from Templeton’s Crossing. This would have been a difficult and painful trek for semi-naked expatriates without shoes. Their feet would have been seriously lacerated during the 8 – 12 hours it would have taken them to complete it under the conditions they described.
On their arrival in Alola village the local VHF radio operator contacted the KTA and arranged for an emergency helicopter evacuation.
A photograph of the two trekkers in the helicopter at Alola shows them dressed in fashionable western clothing with Mr Iovane wearing a backpack. Mr Alfie Jack and Mr George Kavana have confirmed that this was the same clothing they were wearing when they departed from Owers Corner.
This begs the question as to how the clothing they were wearing on the helicopter at Alola village miraculously reappeared after their semi-naked trek from Templeton’s Crossing when, according to their own account, all their possessions had been stolen.
There are also serious questions in regard to the alleged rape of Ms Clemens.
According to published reports the couple were attacked at around 8.00 AM on 11 January. The attack lasted for about an hour before they escaped or were set free. They would therefore have departed Templeton’s Crossing for the 15.5 kilometre trek around 9.00 AM. The earliest they would have arrived in Alola village under the circumstances would have been around sunset at 6.00 PM. There would have been much excitement and confusion amongst villagers who would have automatically focused on the immediate welfare of the couple who would have been limping on severely lacerated feet as their shoes had been stolen according to their account of the attack. They would have also been seriously dis tressed as a result of the machete threats and gang rape as reported by them.
The couple were evacuated by helicopter from Alola at around 2.30 PM and admitted to the Pacific International Hospital at approximately 3.30 PM.
Photographs of the couple in the helicopter are not indicative of two people who had suffered such a traumatic experience involving pack rape, assault and a semi-naked 15.5 kilometre trek across such forbidding jungle terrain just 24 hours earlier. They are well-dressed and appear relaxed.
The pictures were published in the English Sun newspaper on 15 January. This raises the question as to who owned the camera that took the picture. If the couple had lost ‘all of their possessions’ as reported then it must be assumed that the pilot of the evacuation helicopter took the pictures and passed a copy onto them at the hospital or later at their accommodation at the Holiday Inn.
If the picture was taken with a camera belonging to the couple it further jeopardises the integrity of their story.
Mr Iovane would then have conducted his interview with the English Sun newspaper in the early afternoon of 12 January. He was interviewed by Assistant Police Commissioner Sylvester Kalaut soon after. This would have allowed both the English Sun and the PNG National newspapers to meet their editorial deadlines for publication on 13 January.
The following statements by Mr Iovane need to be clarified.
Rape Allegation
It seems that Mr Iovane was the direct source of the information published in the English Sun newspaper on 13 January. The report made no mention of Ms Clemens being raped by her attackers. Mr Iovane, who had allegedly been blindfolded told the reporter, ‘I could hear Michele was putting up a fight , but when they brought us back together I could tell she was hurt and heard her crying in pain. She said to me, ‘We have to get away, I have to get to hospital.’
He went on to say ‘They took our belongings. I was naked in the most remote jungle on Earth with no shoes and Michelle was bleeding buckets beside me in her underwear’. But nothing mattered except getting away, so we ran.’
Comment: While the statements by Mr Iovane indicate Ms Clemens had been sexually assaulted it begs the question as to why he did not mention this to the English Sun reporter or, if he did, why the reporter did not include it in the article. One can only wonder if the reporter began to have some doubts about the validity of the claim after hearing about their experiences with cannibals, wild dogs, machete wielding tribesmen, etc..It is also interesting that the report did not make any mention of the loss of any substantial sum of money.
PNG Porter
The English Sun newspaper reported:‘The couple had hired a native to carry a heavy bag early in the trip, but he had peeled off before the final day. They are convinced he betrayed them’.CommentThe normal protocol for engaging carriers is to agree to pay them a rate of pay per day as advised by the KTA. The engagement must include provision for their food, medical, shelter, an allowance for ‘walk-home pay’ and a small bonus. The weight of their pack must not exceed 22.5 kilograms.There is some dispute as to how much money the couple had with them. Mr Bartlett had advised that ‘They cried poor at Sogeri Lodge so possibly they lost a credit card with little cash in their possession!?’ Newspaper reports claimed they were carrying up to K15,000. If the carrier engaged by the couple sensed he was not going to be adequately compensated it is most likely that he would have left them with bad feelings. It is not the first time this is happened to local villagers along trail.
Stolen Money
Mr Iovane told the English Sun that ‘they took our belongings’ but he made no mention of any money being stolen. But he did tell the PNG National newspaper that they were ‘robbed of such items as mobile phones, shoes, backpacks and clothing and cash worth K15,000 before being released.’
Comment: Mr Iovane bargained to get a reduced room rate at the Sogeri Lodge. He also gave Mr Bartlett the impression they were short of money because the baulked at the cost of hiring a guide or carrier and asked if they could settle their account when they returned to the lodge at the end of their trek.There is no reason why two trekkers would carry up to K15,000 along the Kokoda Trail. This amount of money would normally cover the total cost of a group of 20 trekkers supported by 35 guides and carriers.The only possible explanation is a probable claim for travel insurance.
Wild Dogs
The English Sun reported that the couples escape from their attackers ‘was not straightforward as they encountered a pack of wild dogs.’
Comment: There are no wild dogs on the Kokoda Trail because there is nothing for them to eat. There are small dogs in villages along the trail which are kept as domestic pets. There has never been an incident of anybody being bitten by a dog along the trail.
References to ‘cannibals’ and ‘spear-waving tribesmen’ among the Kioari people along the Kokoda Trail is the stuff of fantasy. The Koiari are vegetarian and known for their hospitality – as Mr Iovane admitted when he was quoted as saying ‘Villagers we met along the way were wonderfully welcoming and rushed out to greet us . . .’
When the couple arrived in Alola after their semi-naked trek in bare feet they were greeted by Orokaiva people who, according to Mr Iovane ‘ran to their aid with blankets . . .’
More than 40 000 Australians who have trekked Kokoda over the past decade have experienced similar unconditional hospitality from the Koiari and Orokaiva people along the trail.
And before them, in 1942, thousands of our veterans had similar experiences. They expressed their appreciation in a three word slogan ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels’!
PNG Post Courier Newspaper
On 28 January the PNG Post Courier published an article headed ‘Kokoda couple ‘lacked respect” by Miriam Zarriga:
‘Villagers and two other porters along the Kokoda Trail beginning at Owers Corner to Templeton’s Crssing were not interviewed by police.
‘Two weeks after the assault of a US woman and her male companion, the people of Kokoda have now complained on the lack of respect the two showed to the people while walking the trail. Kokoda Corridor Central side Chairman Philip Batia said that the lack of respect by the two had the villagers along the trail hiding their face in shame and village elders referring to the two as spirits. “Yupla haitim pes blo yupla ol tewel kam stap (hide your faces, the spirits are coming), the elders of the villages shouted this at all villagers because the two were carrying on as if we were primitives.”
“They kissed, hugged and at times walked half-naked on the trail in the presence of their porter.” Mr Batia said that although they condoned the attack (sic), they wanted wanted everyone to know the truth as to how the two were treating the villagers along the trail.
“At Efogi village, they were caught getting very sexual and were asked by a church youth leader to use a house if they were feeling the need to have sex.”
“They were touching and holding each other in front of the villagers, including children, and then they moved behind a house before they were asked to use a house at the village.”
‘Mr Batia said on two sections of the village, the pair had sex and walked naked from Efogi to the 1900 campsite.
Their acts are considered abusive and are contrary to the cultural beliefs the locals on the trail are used to. I can honestly say they were acting like dogs.”
My conclusions are based on my experience from 79 crossings of the Kokoda Trail over the past 25 years and my close association with the Koiari and Orokaiva villagers along the way. They are also influenced by the occasionss I have been personally evacuated from the trail and had to rely on the compassion and commitment of our guides and carriers to get me to safety.
They are also based on the fact that Mr Iovana and Ms Clemens were not ignorant of the difficulties of trekking across the Kokoda Trail in the wet season. They were in possession of the Lonely Planet guide which contains all the necessary warnings; they had been personally warned by Mr Warren Bartlett, a former Patrol Officer (Kiap) and former CEO of the KTA; and two local Papua New Guineans, Mr Alfie Jack and Mr George Kavana.
In my opinion the couple were deliberately unprepared. It is as if they wanted to create an ‘incident’ that they could ‘escape’ from to market their story of ‘survival in a remote cannibal infested jungle’!
A Google search of Matthew Iovane reveals that he already has a reputation as a ‘reality TV star’.
On the other hand they could well have fabricated an ‘emergency’ when they realised they were 24 hours behind schedule to connect with their international flight on 13 January. If they had brought a sale-price international air ticket there would be no option for them to change the date they were scheduled to fly back to Australia. By staging an ‘incident’ (that could easily have got out of control) they would be able to trigger an emergency evacuation; fabricate a story which they could sell; and connect with their international flight as planned.
Their photographs in fashionable clothes at the evacuation point in Alola is not indicative of a couple who had experienced such a traumatic experience a little more than 24 hours previously.
If it was a scam it worked.
Sogeri Lodge has not been paid for their transport, accommodation and equipment they provided.
Mr Iovane sent an email to Mr Alfie Jack and advised him that the KTA would pay for their costs. Mr James Enage, CEO of the KTA, has advised that no such commitment was ever made.
The KTA covered the cost of the evacuation by helicopter, the cost of their medical treatment at the Pacific International Hospital and their accommodation at the Holiday Inn – and did not seek cost recovery before allowing the couple to leave PNG!
Mr Iovane’s final shameless act was to request a refund of their trek permit fees because they did not complete their trek!
Prior to their departure from PNG Ms Clemens refused a request from the Oro Provincial Governor, Gary Juffa, to release her medical report.
This was an incident waiting to happen because of the lack of governance within the management authority. The Australian Department of Environment has been responsible for the management of the Kokoda trekking industry since 2008. Unfortunately they have never developed any legislation to support the authority of the management body; they never developed any management systems (no database, no campsite booking system, no itinerary management); and they have not trained the responsible PNG staff in effective business practices.
A similar incident could have happened in late 2013 when a wannabee reporter set out to be a hero with minimal support. Once again the management authority was negligent in issuing the couple with a trek permit but they got away with it on this occasion. Click here to read the hero’s Trip Advisor report.
Other reports and submissions made over since the Australian Government assumed control of the Kokoda trekking industry in 2008 have been ignored:
- May 2009: Kokoda: World Heritage or Military Heritage?
- June 2009: Kokoda: Stop the bloody rot on the bloody track
- June 2009: Kokoda: Response and Recommendations
- August 2009: Owers Corner Desecration
- August 2009: Don’t vandalise Kokoda with wire bridges
- August 2009: Urgent need to re-think Kokoda
- September 2009: Five deaths too many on Kokoda
- October 2009: Consultants killing Kokoda
- June 2012: Trekkers heap praise on outgoing chief (see comments section)
- September 2012: A Paper on the Kokoda Trekking Industry
- May 2013: Government desecration of Kokoda battlesite condemned
None of these submissions were acknowledged – all were ignored!
The circumstances indicate that they are either victims of the crass stupidity of Mr Iovane and Ms Clemens- or victims of a dumb scam.
They should therefore be deemed to be innocent until proved guilty; they should be provided with legal representation by the KTA; and should be released on bail until the charges are brought before the court.
Negative International Media Links:

[ii] This schedule is based on my personal experience which involves 79 crossings of the Kokoda Trail over the past 25 years.
I commend you – Charlie Lynn – for putting into perspective this defamatory and rather questionable story. Thanks very much for your brilliant and thorough presentation of facts and well-informed observations based on your own personal experiences. It’s quite odd to also note the absence of any consular role by the British and American diplomatic missions where their respective citizens have been allegedly attacked by our locals who – as you rightly noted – are innocent until proven guilty. Finally, hope you can provide this well written material for paid advertisements in The Sun newspaper and other relevant media outlets by the Minister for Tourism with help of our PNG diplomatic missions in London and Washington. Of course, the Government must fully pay you first – and not victimize you like foolish Mathew Iovane and Michelle Clemens did to Mr Bartlett, KTA and other innocent PNG citizens as highlighted in your excellent article. Cheers. God bless you.
totally agree!
The lesson here is to recognise the pattern; there were too many indicators that the couple were a danger to themselves; nevermind KTA and the country -considering they didn’t get themselves killed. We do have a moral obligation to look after idiots & fools and so they should have been locked up and deported once they made their plans known.
Thank you Mr Charlie Lynn for the information .
Hi Charlie,
I know the amount of logistics that we did for that TV Series on Kokoda that never got up.
It’s a scam and denigrating to the villagers along the track and has led to police holding young men. Thank you for the detail of your article that obviously shows it was a stunt. The hospital should be forced to release their medical examination notes. No one could be that stupid to attempt the track in that fashion. They were given advice and choose to ignore it. The didn’t pay the guide or treat him with respect, knowing he would go home and therefore no witnesses to their staged”plight”.
I hope you are well and looking after your friends in PNG as you always do.
These scummers are not welcome to our island of Vanuatu for sure. They will be black listed to our tourism association.
A couple of foreign Opportunists looking to become celebrities by being ” attacked and raped by locals ” – I thought this first time I saw the article.
I believe it was a scam
Thanks Charlie, perfectly outlined.
Well said Charlie. PNG govt should also seek to recover all costs asociated with what seems to be an elaborate fraud including helicopter hire, police attendance and reputational damage. A great piece of Hercule Poirot inspired snooping
Well detailed asssessment..
Thankyou Mr. Charlie Lynn
I’m sorry to forgot to mention that I have tour operator business in Espiritu Santo island of Vanuatu and organise trek for overseas guests to experience the traditional village life. So I know what are the treks in the tropical islands and people.
While I read your article I knew they were either ignorance or planned to sell their story. More like planned therefore they request not to have a guide to start with. Who wants trek in the jungle of PNG on their own ?
However the authority must be strong to not to issue the permit to these scummers without paid guide and carriers, and should check their equipment before issue the permit. And the lodge owner should never give them account for their accommodation and sleeping bags. I understand that is the kindness of people of PNG but…
I would like to see PNG tourism to write to the UK paper to give them proof or the compensation of the false publishing.
I feel so sorry for the PNG tourism and operator and unfortunate people involved. This is also sad and bad for the whole tourists coming from Eourope and America, taught us not to trust everyone.
Thank you Mr Charlie Lynn for this legit information ??.
I am disgusted that these two would behave as they did. The track is a very special walk & the people along the track were fantastic when we walked it. The damaged they have done with their story is unforgivable. They should be made accountable in some way.
As an previous expat and one who has done Kokoda all I can say is that this is very sad. It is sad because PNG (in my opinion anyway) seems to cop this type of negative and unverified press, be it in Australia or Overseas without any right of reply.
Unfortunately there are smart arses all over the world such as these two. How could they possibly be taken seriously. Oh I know…..we did it like this, it aint that hard. Aren’t we just so bloody good and then!!!!.
Until the guys that have been arrested are convicted then I agree they are innocent. Where are the witnesses or is a medical report the only evidence other than the stories (and that is all they are in my opinion- stories) of the couple.
Keep at it Charlie.
PS: We didn’t use you on our Trek. We were Codlings group from the ED (I think you know).
After reading the entirety of your research Charlie I agree with you completely on every account. This pair look better than when I finished the trek and I trekked with you and was never assaulted. They look connect, smlining and happy after the apparent assault???
I am afraid that it appears it has been a total scam! What a shame that people can make such lies that have grave influence on others. Thankyou for your follow up Charlie!
Thanks to charlie lynn for the very informative reveiw
They were stupid, uneducated, idiot tourist who were in it for Money.
This is an excellent Analysis of the Story. I really commend Charlie, for doing a great job in putting together a comprehensive analysis to the story which sheds much light on the whole incident.. In the National Interest and for sake of our Tourism industry, I strongly urge the Government through the Tourism Ministry to obtain copy of the medical examination notes which will certainly confirm or deny that Ms Clemence was actually been pack raped as reported..
Bearing in mind that two alleged “culprits” are in police custody, the medical examination report should provide some hints to their innocence as well.
Well said. You have revealed the truth they’ve tried to hide under the carpet. Mr Iovaneshould be ashamed of his actions
Having walked the Kokoda Trail completely twice and parts of it over 20 times many years ago, I was most upset to hear the initial story as given by these two as it did not accord with my memories. My thanks to Charlie Lynn for providing the full and correct story as outlined above. It certainly seems like an absolute scam and the 2 tourists responsible should be ashamed of themselves – perhaps a request should be made to the English Newspaper to reimburse the PNG suppliers of their equipment and helicopter flight and publish a retraction in lieu of a defamation action. I imagine these tourists would have to give evidence if, as they claim, they were attacked and if they do not do so the young villagers arrested should be released.
Its a scam PNG governments must look into this matter properly an and locked up this two foolish couple in their own respective country to put a bad image for PNG on a world map.
Well written document and yes it needs to be published. These people are fools and they are just destroying our country’s reputation. Bustards!
No wonder all went ‘quiet’ after the initial announcement in Australia a few days ago. Hopefully we will hear more of the SCAM and possible ensuing legal proceedings.
I think your account of the scam is a real possibility. I’ve been across the Kokoda three times and support all that you you have outlined in your appraisal.
This matter should be taken seriously by our Prime Minister and those that have the authority to bring justice to such a scandal. It sure is evident that the couple had much more planned than the proposed trekking trip. Our Country has been Globally shamed. This by far is the worst injustice for any race nor Nation to experience.
CHARLIE – you are a legend. You have eloquently challenged the lies told by that couple. I knew they were fakers when I read the first reports – the story reeked of the stench of ‘I’m an E grade celebrity, get me out of here!’ antics.
I hope that the Sun and the Tarzan and Jane wannabes are held accountable for their scurrilous behaviour.
Well wrote Charlie… My concurrences to all!
Thank you Charlie. Such a shame this money and fame hungry parasites would turn up on our shores and destroy everything that the KTA, the people of Kokoda and PNG have worked hard to build over the years.
I hope karma catches up with these two ignorant pathetic people soon.
The injury patterns do not suggest anything other then perhaps a walk thru some thick bush and a battle with some Kuni Grass and a few small finger lacerations. Sadly an investigation by PIH would have confirmed the rape accusations and unfortunately there is nothing in this article or the newspaper write up that supports or discredits the allegations.
The medical examiners findings with regards to these injury patterns and specific injury to the woman’s genitals would bring some fact to this event.
Leave it to western media to sensationalize this and discredit the people of PNG. For that I apologize.
Was there any medical attention given to the two couples and also to find out if the woman was raped.
Like the old adage “never let the truth get in the way of a story”!!
Warren has got to stop paying for peoples medical evacuations.
If anyone is responsible for these expenses and management it should be the trekking company and in this case specifically, the Kokoda Track Authority – they issued the permit, they should wear the responsibility. I can’t see Warren getting his money back any time soon. While Warren continues to fund medical evacuations, there is no incentive for anyone (including trekking companies) to worry about it.
Excellent presentation of facts.
Thank you Charlie this brings so much light to every line in their story that didn’t make sense at all.
Thank you Charlie.
During the Kokoda Campaign in WWII we had “Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels” that appeared in these remote jungles…Because of their appearance and their good-will gesture the Kokoda Track became a Global Icon! Then the tourists and the friendly locals for the last 60 years…then suddenly someone says they have been attacked by “Cannibals!”…Their story is contradictory! To be fair with these two people bring them back to act as their own witnesses….they are the only primary witnesses of those that are now accused for rape…..thank goodness not “Cannibalisim!” …This is stupidly a funniest story!
This destitute couple should not be travelling abroad. What a shameful thing to do: traveling on the expense of others who are compassionate enough to help.
Have you taken this article to Garry Juffa? He’d be willing to know.
Who smiles like that after being raped? Unless she ended up enjoying it?
Well written Charlie,the gentle people on the track deserve better…
Obvious scam from the begining. Thanks for the exposure. Sun should publish full retraction and evidence.
good one.
They have shown disrespect for the people they lied about and for PNG. Karma has bitten them both on their lying,sorry backsides!
As usual with the media, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story”
Nevertheless, a lesson for others, not just on Kokoda, but in other areas of PNG.We all know, a magnificently beautiful country, but common sense and caution must prevail. Obviously in this case, despite warnings, it did not.
I agree. What a scam
Dumb fucks !! Hope they learnt a a hard lesson.
47 years ago, while I was Principal of the school at Coen on Cape York Peninsular, an idiot arrived in town on a bicycle carrying only a bottle of water with the intention of riding to Cape York. Like the “Treckers” in the report, he was absolutely not equipped for the trip which in those days was a difficult two-day drive by 4wd. The local police sergeant arrested him and shipped him back to Cairns for his own protection.
Seems that would be a good policy for Kokoda.
Incidently, in 1962 when I opened the school at Rabaraba, I spent my weekends ‘trecking’. My most difficult amounted to a 50 mile walk between sun-up and VERY late at night.
Well articulated story. Very impressed. Keep ip the good work. And show your honesty and compassin for all people involved, instead of listening to these two novices story, who tried their luck to fool us. But, they can not. Truth prevail. Amen.
Thank you Charlie the article. Many of us work in multicultural organisations, and it is very embarrassing to hear stories like these and makes us hate our own people. I think that couple were trying to try their stunts that only happens in Hollywood, thinking we are ignorant or primitives. Well they did not know that we know more about Hollywood and the whole of USA or Britain than they know their next city or our Island for that matter!
The Sun is disgustingly sensationalist and this article is a good example of bad reporting/headlining. The newspaper must be challenged over it.
Next time please screen these types Tourists very carefully to make sure they have enough money and fully equipt before entering into the country. Village people need to be paid for their caring role and so is the tour guides. If I was the person giving the permit. I would have assess all of the above. If they didn’t I would not have authorised the permit at all. They are nothing but scam bags.
Please tell me you have contacted the relevant news papers with this information.
The truth about story, needs to get out to the world.
Charlie, I appreciate for the much-needed light shared on the alleged attack. Seriously, the country is facing tough times and with turn of events recklessly reported by Sun has not done any good at all. I now see what actually happened. KTA, tighten up and refuse granting permits to such idiots if you suspect a slightest omissions in their trekking itenary. Possibly get them arrested and deported ASAP.
Thanks Charlie for your excellent analysis and insight of the story. I hope the police come up with their conclusions after interrogating the 2 villagers and the local community. I believe their stories will verify all these drama and confusion.
We still do not know what really happened. Are Australians going to help these two possible innocent men with their defence? Are we going to employ investigators to chat with the two tourists as they are the ones who really know the truth? And all this aside, how did “respected” trekking companies and people just let these two walk the Track. They should not have been helped by these experts?
I’m sure they would have filmed the whole trip for their “Story”. Why don’t the Police check their phones? I have walked Kokoda, and if they walked bare feet that far, they would have been very sore. Medical records are essential in a case like this. Just keep digging, I’m sure it will all be relieved in the end. They’re frauds!
To the Police please review the case and the evidence you have and weigh against the detail analysis of Charlie Lynn….and end the humiliation against the people of the Kokoda trak and PNG and release the two inocent men who are in custody if not dismiss the case or release them on OR bail. Then concerned authority pursue the two expatriate accusers who if they have scammed our people must face the true sovereignty of our country and our laws. And shame on the Sun for not verifying your facts.
I lived in png 30 years ago , walked the track , what lovely people live on the track helpful and kind . This is bull shit they need to apologize to the people of png. Gerry gregson.
Alas here’s two of them! A special kind of stupid… It’s no wonder they found each other!!!
Thank you indeed for the excellent analysis of the article. You have certainly cleared a mind clogging issue. There is something I’d like to add on and it’s about how our men get seriously injured in such incidents in our country. In cases that couples are held the male victim gets beaten up and receives cuts and blows trying to protect the female. And in this case the guy looks all clean and well presented while the lady is complaining bout her fingers being chopped off???????? Unrealistic :/ ! Total opposite of what should have happened if it was real.
PNG has the friendliest,most interesting people ,I have ever met! They are so taken with visitors and are always interested to know more about outsiders. Cannibalism? I would say the modern world has more cannibals then PNG!!
Good one sue them, SCAM SCAM SCAM
Stupid idiots!
Get them back to face the music…
Evil scambugs! Ban their passports never to return to Png. Totally disgusted at such pathetic behavior. Such a low act! To think they’d have the brains, real attention seekers! That’s all they are! Smiling as if nothing happened! Hopefully you get what you deserve! Shame on you trying to destroy beautiful historical adventurers dreams on tracking in our wonderful Country. The media maybe very quick to re-act and jump to convlusions to this dramatic situation! but there are highly education people with brains to really solve issues and find facts and true! As the saying goes “Only blind fools are led by fools” lesson learned.
I agree and call on the Foreign Affairs Minister and Prime Minister to intervene and make the couple are sued for such defamatory story that has greatly tarnished our image.
These unprepared human beings should have been refused entry at the first instance if they are found to be ignorant of trekking protocols. From anecdotal knowledge, expatriates are highly organised and well prepared when trekking. These two couples must be the least developed human being in the developed world. That should be an excellent lesson for PNG. Thanks Charlie for your well prepared publication.
No matter what, officials must stick to whatever the rules and regulations set or imposed on trekkers. Such as requirements for foods supplements, equipment and guides. This will ensure that no one will fool us and spoil the good reputation and name for our famous tourist site….
Thanks for this great article, I totally agreed.
Long live Kokoda…We are proud of our heritage…We are proud Papua New Guineans!
Simple, they had no money from the start so they pulled out a stunt and it worked in their favour because we are Fuzzy Fuzzy Angels, we help people in need that’s what our greats did, they knew it and used it against us. Time to go after them and The Sun.
These two should be the ones behind bars, they should be paying all the bills that they ran up & also the evac costs, sue the British paper for millions & use it to promote the track & get the paper to retract there article & write the true story.
It took millions of kina to build the reputation of the kokoda track just to have destroying it in a week..Challenge to those responsible who could have prevented it.
Well presented Charlie. If they were to be treated that way they wouldn’t be smiling like this in the photo. How dumb are this two people!
Definitely not letting the truth get in the way of a good story here. Load of 90% garbage.
Definitely not letting the truth get in the way of a good story here. Load of 90% garbage.
In fact should never have been made public.!!
They had a ride on other people’s money, used the locals, spoil the good name of this county and the Track. Shame on them! The sad thing was locals were being fooled.
well presented Charlie…they certainly seemed to choose to be idiotic, but was that their plan or was it all just concocted to get them out of an awkward situation of their own making?…in any case, whether they did endure difficulties or not, hopefully they do not gain financially from this misadventure, which has caused considerable embarrassment and damage to PNG and its small but valuable industry…esp valuable to some communities in parts of PNG (including across the track/trail )
Thanks Charlie Lyn.
This review is informative and a remedy to PNG IMAGE. WELL DONE!!
Charlie I know that your constant commitment to the village people along the kokoda Trail will bring out the truth . Very sad to think that these people may have set out to gain at the expense of these lovely village people.
Shame on them both,we respect people from the outside and will not do such thing like that .
Good job Charlie. ?
The second picture posted, the one with the two of them in the helicopter. Is it just me, or is the lady kinda smiling? Shouldn’t she look scared, shocked, terrified, in pain???
What a disgrace! This makes me sick! To lie about such a horrific thing like rape? They should be charged and both America and England should atand up and make examples of these low life scum bags! Such a historical place where many men lost their lives and many others mentally lost forever. The people of your country PNG should feel proud of your land and people and not let mentally unstable scum of the earth ruin your reputation as beautiful people! It’s on my bucket list to trek Kokoda one day, all Australians that come home after completing it speak so fondly and have an emotional connection. Thoughts are with the 2 men who were taken into custody x
Well penned Charlie… Koiari people make their living by being tour guides. Why would they bite the hands that feed them? Obviously, this is a well fabricated alarm due to their incompetencies of tracking and behind schedule…. More over, an eye opener to the KTA to be cautious of such unprepared trackers and refuse their tracking request…..
I hope that this information can be used by the authorities in PNG to help to clear these innocent young men. As for the two tourists, they should be charged with fraud and given a few years in a PNG prison.
Its a well planned scam. I strongly don’t believe their stories.
I have found many of these comments to be very distressing.
It is certainly true that there are issues with the story as reported in the Sun newspaper, which this blog highlights. It seems Mr Iovane (but not his girlfriend) made a number of statements that were not true, and others that the Sun itself misrepresented (which Mr Iovane had no control over).
It is, however, perfectly plausible that they really just were ignorant and underprepared, and despite the warnings just did not fully understand the risks involved. Mr Iovane was on a reality TV show where contestants are stranded on a tropical island (with very limited supplies) and have to fend for themselves. If he did well on the show then perhaps he had fanciful notions that he’d do well in the jungles of PNG. The idea that ‘no-one could possibly be so stupid’ is not evidence that it was a scam. People can actually be very stupid.
Also, a rape was reported. That is a serious matter. Some commentors have suggested that ‘she doesn’t look like she was raped’. That is a phenomenally ignorant thing to say. People react to shock and trauma in different ways, there is no one way that a victim of sexual violence does or should look. When sexual violence may have occurred it is important to consider the feelings of the potential victim, and other victims of sexual violence. The humane thing to do would be to refrain from making potentially offensive comments until an investigation has taken place. Calling a potential rape victim an “evil scumbag” is not OK. I’m absolutely disgusted.
The Sun probably didn’t mention the alleged rape because in the UK the names of rape victims are kept confidential, yet for the news story they had to mention her boyfriend’s (and therefore her) name.
To note, with regards to the K15,000, the sentence quoted does not state K15,000 cash….it implies (though it is a little ambiguous) that the value of the all items stolen amounted to K15,000…a phone, camera, and some expensive clothes could amount to that (though perhaps there are other quotes that indicate it was all cash).
Also, I think it’s highly unlikely that there will be a significant impact on Kokoda tourism. Most people who do Kokoda would naturally book through a tour company, in the knowledge that it’s unlikely that any serious incident would occur whilst participating in the tour, and anyone with more than 6 brain cells can do enough research to find out that no, PNG does not still have cannibalism. With regards to the rape allegation, it is well known that PNG has a serious problem with sexual violence. Many trek Kokoda despite this reputation and I’m positive that they will continue to do so.
To conclude. There has clearly been a lot of misreporting, this blog highlights some of that, so thank you Charlie. However, we still do not know what actually happened, this blog proves nothing. So we should wait for the investigation to be finalised before claiming it definitely was a scam, because in saying this you (i.e. whoever says this) accuse a potential rape victim of being a liar, and I hope we all realise how cruel and inhumane that is.
Great investigative work sir. I hope that many more can read this since it would really leave a negative impact to the place and the people living there, if the allegedly falsified story spread. I just can’t imagine that the girl would go to the extent of cutting her fingers just for this. Thanks for making things clear. ?
Thanks Charlie for exposing this.
I feel sorry for the two young men who are in custody because of this arrogant, idiot beings. I believe because they couldn’t make it in time to catch the flight from Popondetta, they planned and made this up so that they get back to POM on a free chopper flight and make it on time to Aust. Their own stupidity, don’t care attitude, and show off has landed them in this situation. Can all responsible Authorities pursue some JUSTICE in this as the negativity of been labelled CANIBALS is sickening for most of us Papua New Guineans.
I hope the truth will prevail and the two young men released if they are truly found to be innocent.
I should add to my previous comment that whilst the British Foreign Office has not released a press statement (because that would be totally inappropriate), they have included a section about the alleged attack on their website. Therefore they must be extremely confident that an assault did occur.
“There have been serious attacks and robberies at both ends of the Kokoda Trail including a serious assault in January 2016. Although community leaders have assured tourists of their safety and well-being while walking the Kokoda Trail, you should take care.
If you intend to walk a trail or track, including the Kokoda trail, avoid walking independently and travel with guides from reputable travel companies. You can get details from the Papua New Guinea Tourism Authority or the Kokoda track authority.”
Well presented Mr Charlie Lynn, investigative journalism, at its best, given the genorisity of the KTA and all others with past experiences, PNG police should take up your factual report and follow up on this …
Charlie,would you have some idea if the Kokoda track owners are taking the wannabe TV couples to court for deformation??
Very well said Charlie! I agree with your take on this issue. I won’t be surprised if they make big bucks converting their “harrowing experience” into a movie or a novel.
Good job Charlie.
Hope this article gets published and hope the 2 ass holes and the English Sun are sued.
very well and thorough reporting of the facts. Thanks Charlie. This story need to go to that Sun newspaper in UK. Hope someone send it to SUN soon.
In some countries in a world, when women get raped, rapists walk away free so they can keep raping women. Victims are accused of walking by herself, she wasn’t with male company, or she was in an area she shouldn’t have been so she is the cause of letting men to rape her therefore she is guilty of this crime.
Mr. Bartlett, lets not go down to this level. I am shocked to find out that so many women (80%?)
are victims of domestic violence and rape in PNG. Parhaps we have a different mind set from yous. Kidnapping and rape are serious crime where I live. But in PNG I get a feeling it is not unusual that some men behave this way and I feel your compassion towords those suspects.
Until Justice system function in PNG, your tourism industry is going to suffer. World is watching. Are you committed to make your country a safe place to visit? Not just for foreigners, but women who live there should not feel fear from their partners.
Police should reveal suspects background check.
See if they could prevented this incident if they have prior convictions.
Her comments in this don’t in the slightest even hint at a sexual assault. She’s more concerned about whether she will regain feeling in her fingers.
I’m calling BS. I think Charlie’s assessment above is reasonable.
Also, I personally abhor rape, so I’m in no rush to victim blame, but as one who has been to this beautiful part of the world, I can’t stand by and watch BS be dished out – particularly if a couple of the locals are going to be unjustly accused. I do hope that the investigation in PNG is better than many that occur up there.
Given the awful history on trekking in PNG regarding financial matters (eg the black cat track murders; constant ugly bickering, track closing and whinging by various Kokoda track villages), it is likely that this couples failure to properly reward porters and villages lead to a serious incident down the track. I personally doubt the story as presented by this couple, but the unfortunate fact remains that financial troubles are always likely to result in a childish and violent reaction in that country.
Just wanted to comment quickly. Ive been close personal friends with Miss Clemens for close to 10 years now and don’t want to get too caught up in the details of everything but did want to offer a few lines as a character witness. Michelle is an honest, generous, respectful and caring person. She’s quite an adventurer and does a lot of things off the cuff, but I take exception to the light she’s being portrayed in by this post. She’s not wealthy by a long shot, but would never knowingly accept charity when it wasn’t absolutely necessary and is usually the first person to reach in her pocket when someone has a hand out. And I’ve never seen her act affectionately towards anyone in public….ever. When she got back she didn’t really talk much about this ordeal, mostly she downplayed it as someone trying to push some paper. She did speak extremely well of the people she met and of how kind and caring they all were to her. Her fingers are terribly injured and no dobut caused her a great deal of pain. Also, I don’t believe there was anything sexual about the encounter. Again, I dont have any first hand information about what happened but Michelle is an all-star human being and I felt like I had to represent her honestly.
From day one, when I saw the news headlines of this alleged rape and cannibalism incident, I posted my opinion on social media because my instincts alerted me that this was a scam and further suspected that the couple were crying for international attention for their personal fame and glory.
Later I discovered that Matthew Iowane was a Reality TV Star, and that further strengthened my beliefs that they had fabricated the entire incident.
It appears he also wanted to draw his American lover into the limelight where he was so he could further win her heart.
I’ve read British people’s comments in The Sun about that incident and found that most comments expressed doubts and negitivity about the couple’s alleged encounters and ordeal and that the incident was being fabricated.
My point is the entire saga not affected the Kokoda Track’s Tourism progress but its ripple effects also affected the entire PNG Tourism efforts.
Therefore, the Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) must act ASAP to normalize the entire situation and instill back confidence in the Tourism Industry.
Apparently the two have been charged and admitted on all accounts – can you provide an insight on this?
Hi John,
I believe they have been charged however I am concerned that they have been held in police custody without any legal representation and without any visits from anybody in authority. It seems the authorities are working on the principle that they are guilty until proven innocent!
Hi Isaac,
This is the most negative international publicity PNG has received over the past two decades. Unfortunately such an incident was waiting to happen because there are no management protocols in place in the Kokoda Track Authority. This couple should never have been issued with trek permits under the circumstances. Such incidents are avoidable with good management practices.
I appreciate your comments John. However I do not believe there is any excuse for ignoring all the advice and warnings the couple received in regard to trekking across the Kokoda Trail without a local guide or proper equipment. There is also no excuse for not paying the carriers they engaged the proper rate of pay – or for shortchanging the campsite owners – or for their open display of amorous behaviour in full view of local villagers who are practicing Seventh Day Adventists. She may well have been influenced by her male companion but ignorance is not a defence before the law – and it is not an acceptable excuse for such a misadventure. Whilst she has returned to the comfort of her surroundings we have two young villagers incarcerated in police cells in Port Moresby without any legal representation for the past three weeks and a tourism industry that has been unnecessarily damaged.
Hi Charlie
Thanks for your Forensic approach to this story. You missed your calling. Having trekked Kokoda with your team in 2011 I was upset by the complete disregard that Mr Iovane showed to the trail, the villagers, the police, Sogeri Lodge, the KTA and others. The photo of the two in their hotel room at the Holiday room says it all, particularly when contrasted with their smiling faces in the other photo.
I would hate to think that this story enters the folklore of the trail and deters others from taking what was and continues to be one of the most proud experiences of my life.
I agree Brett – it is going to take a big effort from PNG Tourism to combat the negative publicity that went viral around the world.
Thank you Charlie, as a Papua New Guinean I greatly appreciate your detail postmortem of the incident with more logical analysis of the alleged allegation without comprise, though it may not necessary fully amend the negativity it creates on the PNG Tourism, it however does gives us Papua New Guinean some level of hope that not everything claimed by the couple may be true and we a not totally barbaric to commit the evil of cannibalism. This may have happen 100s of years ago by our ancestors but we have evolved to become a modern society with the rest of the global community and such practices no longer existing. The Koiaris living along the Kokoda Track are introduced to Christianity (esp. SDA) around early 1900s therefore I can honestly claim that they will not involve in such barbaric behaviour as claimed by the couple.
Well in saying all these, I just pray that the Kokoda Track can survive this low in its history and continue to attract more adventurous person out there to come and experience and enjoy the tracking in Kokoda.
The truth will always lays in the eyes of the beholder
I find it very ironic that Matthew Iovane’s claim that “The truth will always prevail,” will now come back to haunt him. Lets hope that these 2 terrible people are sent back to PNG to answer for their actions and the damage that they have caused in PNG.
I just saw the story of this couple pop up on some clickbait-y website full of terribly written, unsubstantiated “news stories” and it read like some racist 18th century book of fiction. Describing villagers as wearing “warpaint” and being so primitive that their language was merely “grunts”. I googled their names to see if these people even existed. These two are clearly lying about a lot of things and I find it deplorable that they left the lodge and the KTA to foot the bill for their utter stupidity. IF the incident even happened at all. Looks like like these reality star wannabees got exactly what they wanted. Disgusting.
Hey! Do you know whatever happened to the two boys who were detained because of Matthews claims? I hope they got free. Do let me know. Thank you
It is now more than two years since the boys were arrested. They were ignored by the Kokoda Track Authority and offered no assistance. Warren Bartlett of Sogeri Lodge (former CEO of the KTA) eventually bailed them out of Bomana Prison and looked after their welfare. He drove them to court every week for almost 12 months but the court never heard their case as there was never a time when the magistrate, the prosecutor and the defence lawyer engaged by Warren Bartlett were in court at the same time so there have been about 30 adjournments. The cost to Warren Bartlett thus far has been about K30,000. The KTA – who caused the problem and paid around K70,000 to assist the British scammer but nothing to help their own boys have acted disgracefully.
If any of you ever wonder what these scammers are doing now here is Michele now who claims to be spiritual and attends burning man and glamorizes being in Tulum. She has convinced a set of men to invest in her crap CBD product called Soji health. I would not be surprised she slept her way through …
This is what this person is doing now