Tribute to Sergeant Brett Wood MG DSM by The Hon Charlie Lynn MLC
The Hon. CHARLIE LYNN (Parliamentary Secretary) [10.27 a.m.]: Mr President, 1. I move that this...
Read MoreThe Hon. CHARLIE LYNN (Parliamentary Secretary) [10.27 a.m.]: Mr President, 1. I move that this...
Read MoreSubmission to the Australian Senate by The Hon Charlie Lynn MLC, 10 March 2006 Preamble I first...
Read MoreOVERCOME by emotion Dr John de Courcy halts mid-sentence. Lying almost flat, his head propped against the thatched wall of a smoke-filled hut in the remote ranges of Papua New Guinea, he tries to describe those who have influenced his life. After a short pause, he continues without inhibition and his audience listens with empathy. It’s the kind of exchange that only a collective experience – bordering on near hell – is likely to deliver.
Read MoreMotion Moved by The Hon Charlie Lynn MLC in the NSW Legislative Council on 21 September 2006 re the formal acknowledgment of sacrifice by Australian Servicemen and Women. The Hon. CHARLIE LYNN [3.52 p.m.]: I move: “That in...
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