The Review of the Kokoda Track Authority (KTA) ordered by PNG Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, resulted in a bureaucratic desk-top study which recommends more of the same under a different name.

Prime Minister O’Neill ordered the review after the collapse of the management system put in place by the Australian Government in 2009.

Despite spending more than $50 million since then Kokoda trekker numbers have declined by 46%; there is not a single management protocol in place; not one of the five key strategies or 33 objectives established by Australian managers for the period 2012-2015 was achieved; and there is still no master plan to protect and interpret our shared wartime history of the Kokoda campaign.

However, it seems DFAT sought to outsmart Prime Minister O’Neill by appointing a former employee of the Australian Department of Environment as their preferred consultant. A clever ‘Yes Minister‘ ploy to transfer responsibility for the managerial bucket-of-shit they created to the PNG Government.